Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Causes And Consequences Of Cancer Essay - 2258 Words
Cancer is a group of over 100 diseases involving uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body with very high potential to spread to other body parts. Untreated cancers can cause serious illness and may lead to the death of the individual. In humans, over two hundred different forms of cancers have been identified, affecting more than sixty organs and claiming millions of lives worldwide.1 In the modern era, cancer is one of the major public health problems worldwide. Based on the GOBOCAN report, about 14.1 million new cancer cases and 8.2 million deaths occurred worldwide in 2012.2 It is one of the deadliest diseases and continues to be on the list of top five diseases with highest mortality rate. According to the American Cancer Society, in the United States 1,658,370 new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed, out of which 589,430 patients are expected to lose their battle against cancer in 2015.3 Currently, cancer is the second most common cause of death in the US after he art diseases, causing the deaths of about 1,620 people per day and is expected to become number one within next few years.4 The significant increase in a number of cancer patients every year has propelled the interest of scientists to hunt for novel therapies to treat cancer. As a result, many new advances have been made over the last two decades towards the diagnosis and treatment of this deadly disease.5-11 1.2 Cancer and Immune System Traditional treatment for cancer includes surgery,Show MoreRelatedCauses And Consequences Of Lung Cancer1781 Words  | 8 PagesLung Cancer? Blood Cancer? Bronchitis? COPD? All these familiar and terrifying words have one root in common- Smoking. 9 out of 10 smokers’ first smoke is at the age of 18 and 99% try it by the age of 26(Centre for Disease Control and Prevention). Each day about 4000 youths tries cigarettes for the first time (Haugen,2004). Even after being aware of the ill effects of the so-called ‘cool thing’, smokers cannot stop themselves after their first smoke. Teenage smoking had declined steadily from 1990Read MoreCauses And Consequences Of Lung Cancer Essay2203 Words  | 9 PagesLung cancer has increased within the past decade; one of the biggest reasons is that more and more people smoke now than they have in the past. Smoking causes damage not only in the lungs, but also in the body, lips, or inside the mouth. Even though smoking does harm your body there are some good things that come from smoking. Such as it can lower the risk of obesity, and knee replacement surgery. There is different types of lung cancer one for smoking and the other, nonsmoking. Although peopleRead MoreTobacco And Its Effect On The Body908 Words  | 4 Pagesuse it for a different purpose. It is said that 9 out of 10 people begin smoking before the age of 18 without knowing the consequences in the near future. For the reason of this epidemic, it is important to know that tobacco use affects the body in many different ways that include difficulty in vision, poor health, different cancers and problems with pregnancy. Smoking can cause harm in different places of our eyes. One of the most common risks that smokers pick up would be cataracts. Cataracts areRead MoreThe Mortality Rate From Cancer1155 Words  | 5 Pagesmortality rate from cancer has been declining, specifically the number of deaths per 100 00 people. There are several reason provided for such statistics, one of them being the advancement of new science. The health industries are finding methods to detect signs of cancer early on, to provide better chances of treating it and to keep a patient alive. Additionally, the numbers of lung cancer in both men and women are decreasing because the awareness and consequences of cancer-causing agents, suchRead MoreEssay on The Consequences of Tobacco1042 Words  | 5 Pagesindeed tobacco has consequences. In fact tobacco is one of the most leading causes of death in the world today. Smoking has begun to take over our everyday life. It is the number one most leading cause of death in the wo rld today, and also the number one substance smoked or chewed today. But what people do not realize is that there are consequences to smoking tobacco, or eating it. Tobacco is hazardous to the human body system, therefore it should be banned due to the fact that it causes serious problemsRead MoreSmoking While Pregnancy Essay1332 Words  | 6 Pagesaverage are more likely to cause harm to their unborn child than women who do not smoke over the course of their pregnancies. Smoking during pregnancy can have negative consequences for the baby. The negative consequences can include a variety of issues ranging from serious health problems to birth defects. It is a proven fact that smoking cigarettes while pregnant can cause the baby to be born with underdeveloped organs. Smoking cigarettes can also cause different types of cancer for both the mother andRead More The Long Term Effects of Marijuana Essay1207 Words  | 5 Pagesmarijuana) affects the brain. It is very difficult to co nduct research in this area, as it is not acceptable to harm humans by doing trials with damaging substances such as marijuana. However, there is accumulating evidence of the psychological consequences of using marijuana. Many chronic marijuana smokers have a psychosis that is now medically deemed as, â€Å"A-motivational Syndrome†(Chopra 38). A psychosis is a condition where a person experiences some loss of contact with reality. A person with aRead MoreThe Dangers of Smokeless Tobacco Essay1288 Words  | 6 Pageshaving to inhale the smoke of cigarettes, so it is not surprising why they’re so popular. Most users are unaware of it, but these products can be just as unsafe, if not even more dangerous, than cigarettes in an abundance of ways. This misunderstanding causes many uneducated individuals to be persuaded into the life of obsessive dipping and chewing, practically committing a slow but fatal suicide. Obviously, something drastic must be done to solve this problem, and the answer is quite simple: raise awarenessRead MoreThe Effects of Smoking Essay1501 Words  | 7 Pagesfact, over 75,000 reports have examined the connection between cigarette smoking and its effects (U.S. DHHS Reducing Health). A Report to the Surgeon General has stated that It is safe to say that smoking represents the most extensively documented cause of disease ever investigated in the history of biomedical research (U.S. DHHS The Health). And a 1988 Report to the Surgeon General stated that nicotine (the drug found in tobacco) is as addictive as heroin and cocaine (American Lung AssociationRead MoreThe Harmful Effects Of Smoking And Smoking1380 Words  | 6 Pagestime they light a smoke. Some of the harmful effects of smoking include various potentially lethal diseases to the smoker and others exposed to secondhand smoke, the sinful addiction caused by a key ingredient in cigarettes, and social issues sm oking causes for smokers and their loved ones. Smoking should be prohibited completely because of the harmful physical and social effects it has on smokers and the non-smokers they associate with. First of all, smoking creates a number of health problems for smokers
Monday, December 16, 2019
Sexual Orientation Free Essays
Societal attitudes towards same-sex relationships have varied over time and place, from expecting all males to engage in same-sex relationships, to casual integration, through acceptance, to seeing the practice as a minor sin, repressing it through law entorcement and Judicial mechanisms, and to proscribing it under penalty ot death People with a homosexual orientation can express their sexuality in a variety of ways, and may or may not express it in their behaviors. ] Many have sexual relationships predominately with people of their own gender identity, though some have sexual relationships with those of the opposite gender, bisexual relationships, or none at all The Kinsey scale attempts to describe a person’s sexual history or episodes of their sexual activity at a given time. It uses a scale from O, meaning exclusively heterosexual, to 6, meaning exclusively homosexual. We will write a custom essay sample on Sexual Orientation or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is based on actual sexual behavior surveys. Research indicates that many lesbians and gay men want, and succeed in having, committed and durable relationships. For example, survey ata indicate that between 40% and 60% of gay men and between 45% and 80% of lesbians are currently involved in a romantic relationship. [110] Survey data also indicate that between 18% and 28% of gay couples and between 8% and 21% of lesbian couples in the U. S. have lived together ten or more years. 110] Studies have found same-sex and opposite-sex couples to be equivalent to each other in measures of satisfaction and commitment in relationships, that age and gender are more reliable than sexual orientation as a predictor of satisfaction and commitment to a relationship, and that people who are heterosexual or homosexual share comparable xpectations and ideals with regard to romantic relationships GENERAL Science has looked at the causes of homosexuality, and more generically the causes of human sexual orientation, with the general conclusions being related to biological and environmental factors. The biological factors that have been researched are genetic and hormonal, particularly during the fetal developmental period, that influence the resulting brain structure, and other characteristics such as handedness. [3][4] There are a wide range of environmental factors (sociological, psychological, or early uterine environment), and various biological factors, that may nfluence sexual orientation; though many researchers believe that it is caused by a complex interplay between nature and nurture, they favor biological models for the cause. Sexual orientation change efforts There are no studies of adequate scientific rigor to conclude whether sexual orientation change efforts work to change a person’s sexual orientation. Those efforts have been controversial due to tensions between the values held by some faith- based organizations, on the one hand, and those held by LGBT rights organizations and professional and scientific organizations and other faith-based organizations, on the other. ] The longstanding consensus of the behavioral and social sciences and the health and mental health professions is that homosexuality per se is a normal and positive variation of human sexual orientation, and therefore not a mental disorder. [9] The American Psychological Association says that â€Å"most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation†. 1 56] Some individuals and groups have promoted the idea of homosexuality as symptomatic of developmental defects or spiritual and moral faili ngs and have argued that sexual orientation change efforts, including psychotherapy and religious efforts, could alter omosexual feelings and behaviors. Many of these individuals and groups appeared to be embedded within the larger context of conservative religious political movements that have supported the stigmatization of homosexuality on political or religious grounds. No major mental health protessional organization nas sanctioned efforts to change sexual orientation and virtually all of them have adopted policy statements cautioning the profession and the public about treatments that purport to change sexual orientation. Physical The terms â€Å"Men who have sex with men†(MSM) and â€Å"women who have sex with omen†(WSW) refer to people who engage in sexual activity with others of the same sex regardless of how they identify themselves†as many choose not to accept social identities as lesbian, gay and These terms are often used in medical literature and social research to describe such groups for study, without needing to consider the issues of sexual self-identity. The terms are seen as problematic, however, because they â€Å"obscure social dimensions of sexuality; undermine the self-labeling of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people; and do not sufficiently describe variations in sexual behavior†. 182] MSM and WSW are sexually active with each other for a variety of reasons with the main ones arguably sexual pleasure, intimacy and bonding. In contrast to its benefits, sexual behavior can be a disease vector. Safe sex is a relevant harm reductionphilosophy. 183] The United States currently prohibits men who have sex with men from donating blood â€Å"because they are, as a group, at increased risk for HIV, hepatitis B and certain other infections that can be transmitted by transfusion. â€Å"[ Public health These safer sex recommendations are agreed upon by public health officials for omen who have sex with women to avoid sexually transmitted infections (ST’s): Avoid contact with a partner’s menstrual blood and with any visi ble genital lesions. Cover sex toys that penetrate more than one person’s vagina or anus with a new condom for each person; consider using different toys for each person. Use a barrier (e. g. , latex sheet, dental dam, cut-open condom, plastic wrap) during oral sex. Use latex or vinyl gloves and lubricant for any manual sex that might cause bleeding. [186] These safer sex recommendations are agreed upon by public health officials for en who have sex with men to avoid sexually transmitted infections: Avoid contact with a partner’s bodily fluids and with any visible genital lesions. Use condoms for anal and oral sex. Use a barrier (e. g. , latex sheet, dental dam, cut-open condom) during anal-oral sex. Cover sex toys that penetrate more than one person with a new condom for each person; consider using different toys for each person and use latex or vinyl gloves and lubricant for any sex that might cause bleeding. Gay and lesbian youth See also: Suicide among LGBT youth Gay and lesbian youth bear an increased risk of suicide, substance abuse, school roblems, and isolation because of a â€Å"hostile and condemning environment, verbal and physical abuse, rejection and isolation from family and peers†. 192] Further, LGBT youths are more likely to report psychological and physical abuse by parents or caretakers, and more sexual abuse. Suggested reasons for this disparity are that (1) LGBT youths may be specifically targeted on the basis of their perceived sexual orientation or gender non-conforming appearance, and (2) that â€Å"risk factors associated with sexual minority status, including di scrimination, invisibility, and ejection by family members†¦ may lead to an increase in behaviors that are associated with risk for victimization, such as substance abuse, sex with multiple partners, or running away trom nome as a teenager. [ Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in the Philippines have a distinctive culture but limited legal rights. Gays and lesbians are generally tolerated, if not accepted, within Filipino society, but there is still widespread discrimination. The most visible members of the Filipino LGBT culture, the Bakla, are a distinct group in the Philippines. According to he 2002 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Survey, 11% of sexually active Filipinos between the ages of 15 and 24 have had sex with someone of the same sex. l] Filipino poet and critic Lilia Quindoza Santiago has speculated that Filipino culture may have a more flexible concept of gender because kasarian, the Tagalog word for â€Å"gender†, is defined in less bi nary terms than the English word gender. [2] Kasarian means â€Å"kind, species, or genus†. [3] The English word gender originally also meant â€Å"kind†. Phil. Survey The Philippines has earned its ranking as one of few gay-friendly countries in the world. Of the 39 countries covered by a global survey, only 17 countries had majorities that accepted homosexuality, with the Philippines ranking at number 10 among the 17. Despite its religiosity, the Philippines is one of the countries in the world where the level of public â€Å"acceptance†of homosexuals is high, according to the results of the survey. The survey titled â€Å"The Global Divide on Homosexuality’ conducted by the Us-based Pew Research Center showed that 73 percent of adult Filipinos agreed with the statement that â€Å"homosexuality should be accepted by society,†up by nine percentage points from 2002. The percentage of Filipinos who aid society should not accept gays fell from 33 percent in 2002 to 26 percent this year, it added. This high level of acceptance, which is comparable to that found in secular western Europe, is even higher than those found in Japan (54 percent), South Korea (39 percent) or the United States (60 percent), where some states allow gay marriage. â€Å"Brazilians and Filipinos are considerably more tolerant of homosexuality than their countries’ relatively high levels of religiosity would suggest,†the Pew survey report said. The Philippines bucked the trend found in the survey showing that gays are mostly accepted in rich and secularized countries. The survey finds that acceptance of homosexuality is particularly widespread in countries where religion is less central in people’s lives. These are also among the richest countries in the world,†the Pew report said. â€Å"In contrast, in poorer countries with high levels of religiosity, few believe homosexuality should be accepted by society,†it added. Religiosity scale The Philippines is said to be one of the most religious countries in the world and almost a third of its population lives below the poverty line. In the surveys â€Å"religiosity scale†where a score of â€Å"3†was the most religious, the Philippines almost got 2. 5. â€Å"Age s also a factor in several countries, with younger respondents offering far more tolerant views than older ones,†the survey report said. And while gender differences are not prevalent, in those countries where they are, women are consistently more accepting of homosexuality than men,†it added. In the Philippines, 78 percent of those aged 18-29 who were interviewed said gays should be accepted, 71 percent for those aged 30-49, and 68 percent for those 50 years old and above, according to the survey. The report also showed that of the eight countries surveyed in the Asia-Pacific region, the Philippines nad the second highest cceptance rate next to Australia’s 79 percent. â€Å"In the Asia-Pacific region, where views of homosexuality are mostly negative, more than seven in 10 in Australia and the Philippines say homosexuality should be accepted by society,†the report said. In contrast, only three percent of people in neighboring Indonesia, nine percent in Malaysia and 21 percent in China said homosexuality should be accepted, the report added. Not impressed However, Filipino gay groups were not impressed by the survey results. When asked if the gay community in the Philippines felt accepted, Jonas Bagas, executive director of the TLF Share Collective, said: â€Å"Hardly. â€Å"l think that the study only reflects the perceived acceptance of the LGBT community based on the high visibility of gay entertainers. It’s acceptance [that is] contingent on how you fit the acceptable stereotype†the gay entertainer, the creative, talented bakla, the lesbian security guard,†Bagas said. â€Å"Once you go outside these stereotypes, that’s when you encounter rejection,†he added. Bagas said a Filipino student in a lesbian relationship faces higher probability of getting kicked out of her school than a student in a heterosexual relationship. â€Å"We still have strong biases against gay sex, which for any is still deemed immoral and unnatural. This attitude fosters inequality in our laws, in education, healthcare and even within the family,†Bagas said. The Pew report said those who conducted the survey had face-to-face interviews with 804 Filipinos aged 18 and above from March 10 to April 3 this year. The interviews were conducted in Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilonggo, Ilocano and Bicolano. The survey had a margin of error of plus or minus 4. 5 percent. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in the Philippines have a distinctive culture but limited legal rights. Gays and lesbians are generally tolerated, f not accepted, within Filipino society, but there is still widespread discrimination. The most visible members of the Filipino LGBT culture, the Bakla, are a distinct group in the Philippines. According to the 2002 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Survey, 11% of sexually active Filipinos between the ages of 15 and 24 have had sex with someone of the same sex. l] Filipino poet and critic Lilia Quindoza Santiago has speculated that Filipino culture may have a more flexible concept of gender because kasarian, the Tagalog word for â€Å"gender†, is defined in less binary terms than the English word gender. 2] Kasarian means â€Å"kind, species, or genus†. [3] The English word gender originally also meant â€Å"kind†. A bakla is a gay man who displays feminine mannerisms, dresses as a woman, or identifies as a woman. The term itself is not the equivalent of the English term but bakla are the most culturally visible subset of gay men in the Philippines. They are often considered a third gender, embodying femaleness (pagkababae) in a male body. [5][6] The term bakla is sometimes used in a derogatory sense, although bakla people have largely embraced it. Bakla individuals are socially and economically integrated into Filipino society and re considered an important part of society. The stereotype of a bakla is a parlorista, a cross-dresser who works in a beauty salon. [7] Miss Gay Philippines is a beauty pageant for bakla. Slang terms for LGBT people and concepts In the Philippines, the term gay is used in reference to any LGBT person. For Filipino gays, the Tagalog phrase paglaladlad ng kapa (â€Å"unturling the cape†), or more commonly Just paglaladlad(â€Å"unfurling†or â€Å"unveiling†) refers to the coming- out process. Tibo, T-Bird and tomboy are derogatory terms for butch lesbians Just as bakla is for effeminate gay men. Some lesbians, both butch and femme, use the erms magic or shunggril to refer to themselves. [4] Neutral slang terms for gay men include billy boy, badette, bading, and paminta (straight-acting gay man). While many of these terms are generally considered derogatory, they are sometimes used casually or Jokingly within the Filipino gay and lesbian community. For example, gay men often refer to their gay friends as bakla when talking to each other. Swardspeak[edit] Main article: Swardspeak This article may be confusing or unclear to readers. Please help us clarify the article; suggestions may be found on the talk page. (October 2013) Swardspeak, or â€Å"gay lingo†, s a cant slang derived from Englog (a Tagalog-English pidgin) and is used by a number of homosexuals in the Philippines. 12] Swardspeak uses elements fromTagalog, English, Spanish and Japanese, as well as celebrities’ names and trademark brands, giving them new meanings in different contexts. [13] It is largely localized within gay communities and uses words derived from local languages or dialects, including Cebuano, Hiligaynon, Waray, Bicolano, and/or other Philippine languages. The use of Swardspeak once imm ediately identified the speaker as homosexual, making it easy for people of that orientation to recognize each other. This created an exclusive group among its speakers and helped them resist cultural assimilation. More recently, though, straight people have also started to use this way of speaking, particularly in industries dominated by gays, such as the fashion and film industries. LGBT Politics: In the Philippines, the Communist Party of the Philippines Marxist-Leninist and Maoist revolutionary proletarian party in the Philippines are the one and first to introduce and promote the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. They recognize the LGBT as part of the bulk of the masses that can encourage and recruit for their revolutionary work. The revolutionary leader admitted that in their rank. The wide spread of sexual intercourse within their rank and same sex that brought their party principle to set a guideline for those belong with the LGBT’s. They also allow to married their fellow same sex revolutionary party member as long it will not affect their revolutionary task in the party organization. Document of the CPP-MLM guideline â€Å"Gabay Para sa Rebolusyunaryong Pakikipagrelasyon at Pagpapakasal†. Same-sex relationships data indicate that between ot gay men and between 4 expectations and ideals with regard to romantic relationships. How to cite Sexual Orientation, Papers Sexual Orientation Free Essays Recent research has concluded that sexual orientation, in both men and women, may play a significant role in the feelings of dissatisfaction of one’s physical appearance and the development and onset of disordered eating habits. Numerous studies have found that homosexual men have a higher likelihood of being more dissatisfied with their overall physical appearance. It is not so clear for homosexual women. We will write a custom essay sample on Sexual Orientation or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this paper I will review a number of published research article and try to more clearly explain the contrasting results about homosexual women. Although most of the studies look at an adult population, a study by French, Story, Remafedi, and Resnik, examined the effects of sexual orientation on an adolescent population. In their study they looked at a population based sample of about 35,000 students between the grades of seven and twelve. Each of these students completed a survey that asked questions about sexual orientation, body satisfaction, and different weight control measures. The final report included the findings from 212 heterosexual males and 182 heterosexual females for comparison with 81 self- identifying homosexual males and 38 self- identifying homosexual females, and 131 bisexual males and 144 bisexual females. They discovered that homosexual males were much more likely than heterosexual males to report having a poor body image (27.8% to 12%) and admit to frequent dieting (8.9% to 5.5%), binge eating (25.0% to 10.6%), or purging (11.7% to 4.4%). On the other side, homosexual females were more likely than heterosexual females to report that they were happy with the way that they looked (42.1% to 20.5%). Interestingly though, homosexual and heterosexual females were about equally as likely to diet, participate in binge eating, and partake in purging. Although the study seems to be appropriate, one must be wary about looking at a study, which was conducted through the use of surveys. This is particularly true when you are asking adolescents questions that deal with sexuality. It is possible that an adolescent’s embarrassment could be a factor in the answering of the questions. Social stereotypes could easily influence a heterosexual male to answer positively to questions about his body image because body angst is usually associated as a female behavior. This study is important to research on this topic because it shows that from the beginning of sexual orientation decisions, eating habits are a priority to some. Finicky and disordered eating problems are not something that develops later in life. It begins way before that. There are many explanations for why this could be true. Everyone knows about the pressures that are felt by children as they grow into adolescents. It is no surprise that these pressures are the driving forces behind the development of disordered eating habits. Numerous studies have shown that adolescent girls report body dissatisfaction, as a result of social comparison and teasing were diet triggers. Social comparison arises at an early age and pressures to conform and succeed in a school situation can cause some children to begin to focus on their physical appearance. It is no surprise that the media is so often blamed for this phenomenon, as they too often portray thinness as a symbol of beauty, success, and popularity. More common than the studies that look at adolescents are the ones that examine the relationships between eating habits and sexual orientation in adults. A study by Beren, Hayden, Wilfley, and Grilo successfully attempted to determine a link between body dissatisfaction and other associated variables with the affiliation of the homosexual community. In their study, they asked heterosexual and homosexual men and women to fill out the Body Shape Questionnaire, Body Dissatisfaction subscale of the Eating Disorders Inventory, Rosenberg Self- Esteem Scale (http://www.bsos.umd.edu/socy/rosenberg.htm), Expanded Social Pressure to Diet Scale, Involvement Questionnaire, and the Kinsey Scale (http://wwwcgi.indiana.edu/~kinsey/ak-hhscale.html). The researchers found that gay men felt more body dissatisfaction in comparison to heterosexual males. In contrast, the researchers found that there was little to no difference between lesbians and heterosexual women in these domains. A more recent article published in 1999, by Lakkis, Ricciardelli and Williams, announced slightly different findings. They agree with the earlier research that states that homosexual men are more likely to suffer from body dissatisfaction and dietary restraint, but they found that homosexual women scored lower than heterosexual women on these same areas. The reason for their findings is that they took a slightly different approach to their research. They administered tests to 266 participants, heterosexual and homosexual, male and female. They measured negative and positive gender traits, body dissatisfaction, the drive for thinness, dietary restraint, and bulimic symptoms. However, the differences in their results as compared to other studies were due to one other factor. While past studies had examined the relationship between body image and sexual orientation, this study looked at the relationship between sexual orientation and gender- related personality traits. In other words, they looked at the role of gender related personality traits or dimensions of masculinity and femininity. Their article says, â€Å"Gender traits are viewed as highly pertinent in the study of disordered eating because they provide one of the ways for studying the sociocultural context underlying disordered eating. Specifically, gender traits reflect stereotypes about the beliefs and behaviors typically attributed to men and women, which are acquired as they learn about the world and their roles in it.†They measured the dimensions of masculinity and femininity and compared these findings to the findings about body image. They discovered that in this study, lesbians scored significantly lower than the heterosexual women on all the disordered eating measures, body dissatisfaction, drive for thinness, and bulimia. However, it is important to note that regardless of the person’s sexual orientation, higher scores on the negative femininity scale correlated with higher scores on disordered eating. The phrase negative femininity is associated with negative, stereotypical, feminine behaviors such as passivity, dependence, submission, and lower self-esteem. One major problem with this study and others, although it is not certain as to how it affects the results, concerns the scales that are used to assess the desire for thinness and the susceptibility for bulimia were designed and developed for the assessment of women. For more accurate results, researchers should develop a scale for use by gay men. This would strengthen all of the arguments in these studies. The hypotheses that account for these differences between homosexual and heterosexual body image beliefs are sociocultural in nature. One explanation is that the lesbian subculture is more tolerant of different body sizes and shapes because it places less emphasis on thinness and attractiveness. Compare this to the gay subculture, which places great emphasis on a more lean and muscular body ideal and overall physical appearance. This hypothesis seems to offer a reasonable explanation. Another plausible hypothesis was suggested and researched by Siever in 1994. He suggests that gay men and heterosexual women are dissatisfied with their physical appearance because of the nature of the gender type that they seek out as a sexual partner. He researches and provides support for the idea that men place more of a priority on physical characteristics when looking for a sexual partner. On the other hand, women, when looking for a sexual partner, place more of an emphasis on factors such as personality, status, power, and income. This is consistent with evolutionary theories that deal with mate selection. A study by Schneider, O’Leary, and Jenkins looked at the risk of homosexual males for developing eating disorders. They recruited 2,000 people in the San Francisco Bay are to answer an anonymous questionnaire. The final sample that was used included seventy- five heterosexual females, twenty- five lesbians, seventy- five heterosexual men, and fifty gay men. Their research confirmed that heterosexual females and gay males were more likely to binge eat and have a feeling of lack of control surrounding food. They also found that gay males exercised more than any other group besides the lesbian population. Straight females desired to lose twice as many pounds as any other group, but in actuality, straight and lesbian females did not differ in actual weight. Overall, heterosexual males were the most overweight and the least concerned about their weight issues. Although this data does not explain why, it does show that the sociocultural expectations about physical appearance did in fact most greatly concern the populations who sought males as sexual partners. This goes back to the attributes that people seek when looking for a sexual partner. The research seems to confirm that both sexual orientation as well as the dimensions of femininity and masculinity predicts the tendency for body image dysmorphia and disordered eating practices. Because the research is correlational in nature, it is difficult to form a conclusion such as, â€Å"If you are a homosexual male, then you will have an eating disorder.†There are always confounding variables and outside explanations for these behaviors. The best conclusion that one can draw from these studies is that on a dimension of negative femininity, the more negative the femininity trait, the more likely that an eating disorder will develop, for the entire population as a whole. Obviously, there will be exceptions to this conclusion. How to cite Sexual Orientation, Essay examples Sexual Orientation Free Essays In our day and age, being of a sexual orientation other than heterosexual is somewhat common. Though it is definitely not considered a norm, it is more accepted in most parts of the world. A few years ago, people who were not heterosexual had to hide who they really were in order to be accepted by society. We will write a custom essay sample on Sexual Orientation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Because of this norm, one automatically assumes they are straight whether it comes to themselves or others. So how do homosexual/asexual people become conscious of their sexual orientation? In the same way that gender is a spectrum, sexuality is a spectrum as well. There are four distinct sexualities. Heterosexual, or straight, people are attracted to members of the opposite sex. Bisexuals are attracted to members of both genders. Homosexuals are attracted to people of the same sex. Homosexuals can be called gay, for both genders, or lesbian, for females only. The last sexuality is asexual, in which there is no attraction to either sexes. Psychologists say that sexuality is determined in the early stages of childhood but is not a conscious decision. Basically, people are born with their sexuality. That being said, many parents assume there might be something off about their child if they show interest in activities meant for the opposite sex. If their little girl doesn’t like to dress up and would rather play in the dirt, parents start to get suspicious. If their little boy likes dolls and is not all that interested in going outside or playing video games, parents think there’s a possibility of them being gay. But a very important thing to understand about sexuality is that there is no way to tell what sexuality someone is just by how masculine or feminine they are. That is because, like afore mentioned, gender is a spectrum. There are gay men that are very masculine but then some that are also extremely feminine. There are lesbians that seem like straight girls to there because they aren’t as masculine as the stereotypical lesbian. This applies to other sexualities as well. Straight men and women can also be very feminine or masculine, respectively. Personality and curiosity does not completely determine one’s sexuality. Sexuality is not something that can be changed. People tend to suppress their feelings if they aren’t straight, but that does not change who they really are. Many think that going to therapy can ‘fix’ a gay/bi/asexual person, but that does not do anything either. It is not an illness, a mental disorder, or a problem of any sort. Just like being straight, ices who they are. Trying to change someone has proven to be not only ineffective, but also possibly damaging. Nadine and Vain are straight, and they know this based on the pure fact that they aren’t attracted to girls. This wasn’t a hard thing for them to realize because that sexuality is what is expected. Both have straight parents, and a majority of straight friends. There was never a need for them to have to realize that they were something different, because according to society, they are normal. But someone who doesn’t feel anything for the opposite sex, or feels for everyone, or no one at all, how do they know? After hearing the experiences of many internet sensations who have come out as being gay such as Connors Franca, Troy Siva, and Tyler Oakley (major supporter of GSA [Gay Straight Alliance]), we learned that they always knew that they were a little different, supporting work by psychologists at the American Psychiatric Association. In Connors case, he was not able to pinpoint exactly what was different about him until he was 12 years old, when he just randomly thought, â€Å"What if I’m game At 22, he did not come to terms with his sexuality until this year. Throughout high school, he dated girls to did his sexuality, primarily lying to himself. Once he finally allowed himself to accept it, he realized that his friends and family would support him no matter what, and that was when he stopped suppressing his feelings. Connors hid his feelings in fear that people would treat him differently and rightly so. People with an ‘uncommon’ sexuality are discriminated and hated against around the world. The U. S. Is one of the most accepting countries for these people, but there are still hate crimes committed against them. Forget the crimes, gay people are not even allowed to openly serve in the U. S. Military. Until gently, Openly gay boys Were not allowed in Boy Scouts. Even now, if the boys are all staying in the same area, the gay boys have to stay in a separate area. Learning about all these things would definitely add to a person’s confusion and cause them to suppress their emotions. Once social stigma against homo/bi/a-sexual people stops, they can be more comfortable with whom they are and the coming out process will be much easier. Once they realize what their feelings mean, the transition of their sexuality from subconscious to fully aware will become smoother and that is something we as a species should be aiming for. How to cite Sexual Orientation, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Strategic and Operations Management for Apple- MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theStrategic and Operations Management for Apple. Answer: Summary of the Story of Apple Apple Company was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Markkula who did their best to give the company a million dollar vision. Apple used strategic marketing and technological creativity which gave them a competitive edge hence its quick growth(US v. Apple, Inc., 791 F.3d 290, 2d Cir. 2015). In May 2001, Apple announced the brand new opening of its retail stores which had prior closed when it became incompetent in the market. It introduced iPod portable digital audio player, and its own iTunes music store which the analysts did not trust. In 2002, a redesigned iMac was introduced, and it failed to satisfy the company's expectations despite the fact that it received a lot of press. In 2004-2006 it opened 149 new stores in the US, 4 in Canada, 7 in the UK and 7in Japan(Pom Wonderful LLC v. Coca-Cola Co., 134 S. Ct. 2228, 573 U.S., 189 L. Ed. 2d 141, 2014). Furthermore, the company introduced Intel-based machines, the iMac and Mac Book Pro(Moustafa, H., et al., 2010). The iPods had dominated the market at that time thereby sales improved. In January 2007 at the Macworld Expo Job broke the news that Apple Computer Inc. would from that day be called Apple Inc. since it no longer emphasized on computers only but also on mobile electronic devices, iPhone and Apple TV. This caused its share price to increase drastically. In 2008-2009 Jobs took a six-month leave for him to be able to concentrate on his health and the company, on the other hand, to render competence to its products. He, therefore, left Phil Schiller in charge and during this period recorded very high profit(Moustafa, H., et al., 2010). Later 2010 iPad was launched, and they were compatible with the iPhone, and this helped it gain a competitive edge once again. In 2010 released iPhone 4 with video calls and antennas. In September 2010, Apple renewed its iPad line of MP3 players, launched multi-touch iPod Nano, iPod Touch with FaceTime and iPod Shuffle with buttons. Steve Jobs Entrepreneurial Characteristics Persuasive and Charismatic Jobs had the ability to recognize, take advantage and utilize opportunities that have not been known by many or other competitors. Some employees also referred to him as an erratic manager(Scantland v. Jeffry Knight, Inc., 721 F.3d 1308, 11th Cir. 2013). His ability to serve as a CEO at both Next and Pixar portrays him as a very charismatic person. It is significant that Jobs was dedicated for the good of the company through his devotion in the hard and good times of Apple Company. Demanding and Aggressive Personality Jobs came back to Apple when it had severely declined and all the new CEOs failed and he strategically introduced new products, rapidly changing technology and stiff competition when the country was in the recession and many other companies were declining. The aggressive personality of Jobs has made the company to always stand out in the market. It is important to identify that Steve Jobs was a risk taker and this is the precise attribute of an entrepreneur, so as to promote the business amidst the risks that were involved as driven by the profits. Creative and Innovative After Jobs had left Apple when he was forced to resign, he went ahead and came up with a new computer company which was not so successful because it was expensive. He then proceeded and bought Pixar, and due to its superb executive staff and Jobs creativity, Disney management wanted to acquire Pixar. The creativity of the CEO has made the company to be the market leader for the electronic market in the world. It is imperative to note that the innovativeness of the company gives the company a competitive advantage over the other market players. Apple's Strategic Strategies and Operational/Competitive Strategies Total Customer Experience Apple was able to involve its customers through its unique systems components which it leveraged in a unique manner to come up with its system that was user-friendly due to the ease in operating the products developed(US v. Apple Inc., 952 F. Supp. 2d 638, S.D.N.Y. 2013). Total customer experience was enabled through the continuous research and development that stirred the management to identify the ever-changing customer needs and expectations. Through the data collected, the management was able to synthesize new products and new ideas that created lasting experiences to the customers as a means to achieve its relationship marketing objective. New Product Development When Jobs came back as the CEO when Apple was falling, he introduced a new product to the market identified as iPod portable digital audio player. In 2010 Apple introduced the fourth generation iPhone with unique features like video calls that were aimed at fully satisfying the needs of their potential customers(Rasmussen v. Apple Inc., 27 F. Supp. 3d 1027, N.D. Cal. 2014). The emergence of new products was aimed at opening new markets for the company and also capturing new customers that were always time averse. Accessibility to Outlets There was the dire need for the company to address the inadequacy of outlets that could necessitate the customer to access the products of the business (N.D. Cal. 2014).In the year 1997, the company was in episodes of hardships where it was unable to keep up with the unfair competition in the market amidst the poor management that was in the company at the time. In 2001, Jobs spearheaded the reopening of the retail outlets for their products with the aim of easing accessibility by the customers so as to report high sales (Porter, M. E., 2008). What Tim Cook should Extrapolate and Why? For the continued growth and survival of Apple Company, Tim Cook should ensure that he expands the markets for the products. Expansion of the markets will be achieved if the company engaged in earning itself a competitive edge says through producing commodities that suited the needs and values of the customers (Ericsson, Inc. v. D-Link Systems, Inc., 773 F.3d 1201, Fed. Cir. 2014). Also, the CEO must ensure that the prices for the products are stable so as to entertain customer loyalty and the retention of the customers(VirnetX Inc. v. Apple Inc., 925 F. Supp. 2d 816, E.D. Tex. 2013). When this is achieved, the company will be able to report high sales and profits. To add on, the company should keep up with the technological advancements in the market so as to increase its competitiveness and also in ensuring that it operates at very low costs and still makes profits (Oracle America, Inc. v. Google Inc., 750 F.3d 1339, Fed. Cir. 2014). It is evident that for the company to be able to dominate more markets, awareness should be created so that the products are widely known. Technological advancements should always be embraced to keep up with the emerging trends that occur day after day. Apple Company should engage in strategic marketing strategies that will avail information to its customers so that they are always informed about the products in the market. The advertisements should be those that can achieve the intentions or the objectives of the company. The most precise mode of advertisements would be the internet. Precise marketing strategies will to a greater extend enable the company to promise its customers total customer experience (Rasmussen v. Apple Inc., 27 F. Supp. 3d 1027 , N.D. Cal. 2014). For the extrapolation , Tim Cook should engage these strategies to continue to make it the super power in the manufacture of durable , high quality , and well priced electronics. John Tarpeys Concerns The management of a company is paramount to its survival in the long run. The concern of Tarpey about how long Apple was going to rely on Jobs opinions as its leader was very crucial in the decision-making process(GREENLIGHT CAPITAL, LP v. APPLE, INC., No. 13 Civ. 900 (RJS)., S.D.N.Y. Feb. 22, 2013). Since Job spearheaded every strategic move concerning the company's growth; his absence could have affected how the great company was being managed by Jobs before and during his sickness. The doubt that Tarpey had was valid in that the effective management of the company was in a delicate position for most of the stakeholders gauged the future performance of the company regarding the competence levels of the management. The competition was stiff then, and the other market players were keen to adopt the innovative works of Apple Company that were the market leader (Opperman v. Path, Inc., 87 F. Supp. 3d 1018, N.D. Cal. 2014). Tarpeys concern was how capable the market players were aggressive to surpass the unique product development methods of Apple and their ability to override the power that Apples Company had bestowed in the electronics Market. Competition was stiff and there was need to have a leader who could help the company remain innovative throughout its ongoing concern For a shareholder to buy the shares of a company, the company in question should be attractive as determined by factors such as efficient management of the company operations (Moustafa, H., et al., 2010). Tarpeys doubt and indecisiveness lied on whether to advise the shareholders to sell their shares at that particular moment when the company had a stable management and a good performance. The primary concern was the future of Apple's management in the absence of Jobs. Bibliography Ericsson, Inc. v. D-Link Systems, Inc., 773 F.3d 1201. ( Fed. Cir. 2014). Greenlight Capital, LP v. APPLE, INC., No. 13 Civ. 900 (RJS). ( S.D.N.Y. Feb. 22, 2013). Moustafa, H., et al. (2010). Apple Inc. : performance in a Zero Sum World Economy. Information Technology (31), 1-21. Opperman v. Path, Inc., 87 F. Supp. 3d 1018. ( N.D. Cal. 2014). Oracle America, Inc. v. Google Inc., 750 F.3d 1339. ( Fed. Cir. 2014). Pom Wonderful LLC v. Coca-Cola Co., 134 S. Ct. 2228, 573 U.S., 189 L. Ed. 2d 141. (2014). Porter, M. E. (2008). The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard business review,86 (1), 25-40. Rasmussen v. Apple Inc., 27 F. Supp. 3d 1027 . (N.D. Cal. 2014). Scantland v. Jeffry Knight, Inc., 721 F.3d 1308. ( 11th Cor. 2013). US v. Apple Inc., 952 F. Supp. 2d 638. (S.D.N.Y. 2013). US v. Apple, Inc., 791 F.3d 290 . (2d Cir. 2015). VirnetX Inc. v. Apple Inc., 925 F. Supp. 2d 816 . (E.D. Tex. 2013).
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Taking Control free essay sample
Cars are taking over. Now before you dismiss me as a lunatic who thinks automobiles want to rule the world, let me explain. They are taking over the role of the driver. The amount of driver replacing technologies proliferating through the auto industry is astronomical. Lane departure warnings, backup cameras and beepers, auto adjusting headlights, and now cars can even stop themselves! When did the chair in front of the steering wheel and pedals become a passenger seat? Modern vehicles are training drivers to detach from driving. I know who, or should I say what, is to blame for this travesty. It is the automatic transmission’s fault. I learned to drive in our family’s Volvo S70 and Acura MDX, both automatic equipped vehicles. But when the time came to purchase my own car my dad suggested I consider a manual, also known as a stick. This suggestion did not interest me in the slightest at first because there was sure to be a frustrating learning curve that would take months to get around. We will write a custom essay sample on Taking Control or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Six months later, I finally purchased my first car, a 2005 Nissan Sentra SE-R SpecV. Besides coming equipped with a tongue-twister of a name, this sporty sedan also came with a 6-speed manual transmission. By that time I had spent maybe an hour behind the wheel of a friend’s manual to learn the basic technique. But learning to drive my car constituted the first extended experience I had â€Å"rowing my own†. Much to my surprise, I was driving stick like a pro within a week. And now, I would not give up a manual for anything. A few months ago my younger sister bought her first car, a 5-speed wielding Kia Spectra5. We are now a house divided, the children driving manuals, and both my parents putting around in automatics. Let’s examine these two transmissions purely for mechanics. Manual transmissions use a driver actuated clutch that connects and disconnects the engine from the transmission. A system of gears actuated by a shift lever composes the gearbox. It’s a relatively simple and lightweight design. Automatic transmissions use a torque converter assembly to couple the engine to the gears. This system works using fluid coupling, and has fewer parts than a clutch. But the gearbox itself contains a jumble of planetary gear sets and clutch packs. The computer uses fluid based actuators to activate different clutches and change whether the sun, planetary, or ring gear is being driven, causing the automatic to shift. Sound complicated? Probably because it is. Manual transmissions have far fewer parts which means less can go wrong. It also produces a lighter assembly, which aids in the performance and efficiency categories. While the inner workings of cars fascinate me, the mechanics of a transmission are a little over the top for many people. But everyone knows how to have fun. The manual transmission creates a far more entertaining driving experience than an automatic. The driver has complete control over the gear selection in a manual. A driver can downshift, causing the engine rpms to jump and gain speed. Or they can go into stealth mode by shifting to higher gears and dropping the rpms low, making the vehicle soundless. Even on the big screen manuals beat automatics. Think about the Fast and Furious franchise. Where would they be without their repeated sequences of quick upshifts for more speed or downshifts to initiate a drift? In an automatic there are essentially three choices. Forward, park, and reverse. Choosing among those hardly constitutes exhilarating driving. Imagine the look on your friends’ faces as they cling to the door handles while you manually fly through gears and corners. Your expertise will surely impress them. True, this kind of dr iving is not as easy as the movies make it seem. An automatic is easier by far. Jump in and go, no hassle. A manual requires a certain amount of practice and skill, but so does riding a bicycle, and we all overcame that challenge. Log a few miles in a car with a stick and one becomes proficient at shifting. The â€Å"fun†choice in transmission is clearly the manual. However, cruising the open road is not always about fun and games. An enormous amount of responsibility goes with driving a car, and the danger you pose to yourself as well as to others when you shirk your duty behind the wheel is real. For safety, manuals are a clear winner as well. With an automatic, the simplicity of the driving task, and the degree to which the car can take over the driving operation encourages the driver to let his or her hands and mind wander to other things. Guys can be tempted to shave, tie a tie, and drink coffee while cruising to an early morning business meeting occupies our attention. Women tend to apply lipstick, mascara, and other beauty products. These operations can require taking your eyes off the road, a huge no-no in the safe drivers’ handbook. Manuals, however, require much more attention. Gears need to be changed and clutch pedals need to be pushed. The car will not shift by itself. And since the driver is forced to pay attention to the d riving process, these other distractions must wait. Though driving a manual may necessitate getting up earlier to finish getting ready for work, it is sleep well worth losing. In the end, the deciding factors are factors are power and efficiency. I feel that the manual most effectively combines both aspects. When one wants to accelerate quickly, a manual gearbox allows you to hold the gear longer, rising higher into the power curve of the engine. Or you can downshift, bringing the engine rpms up rapidly and gaining more power. If efficiency is your goal, simply shift earlier, and keep the rpms as low as possible. With a manual it is possible to have the best of both worlds. Automatics however can only really accomplish one of these tasks. The car’s computer tuning decides whether the transmission will strive for efficiency or power. If you are looking for efficiency though, modern day automatics have become incredibly mileage oriented, even to the point where some surpass manuals. And a well-tuned automatic can accelerate as quickly as a manual off the line. They are capable machines, but they lack the ability to multitask. When seeking the perfect blend of performance and efficiency, the manual takes the checkered flag. The difference between a manual and an automatic transmission is like the difference between baking your own cake and purchasing one from the store. Baking isn’t easy. It may take a few burned attempts or a crumbly, dry disaster before you get the delectable wedding worthy cake you had a craving for. But a certain pride goes into producing your own cake, just as pride goes into completely controlling your car. Even if it first comes at the cost of embarrassing stoplight stalls or a burned clutch. The real beauty in baking a cake though is in making it your very own. So the grocery store has 6 different flavors and 4 different frostings. Hey they even have sprinkles and chocolate shavings! But did you add a little extra sugar for sweetness? Did you subtract a little butter to spare your arteries? Or is your rum cake more rum than cake to make things interesting? Homemade cakes are one of a kind. They are made to fit your tastes, not a plastic container. Manuals allow you to cr aft your own driving style. Make it fast, make it fun, make it efficient, make it yours. Do not settle for an automatic’s preconceived notions about when you should shift. What makes it think it knows better than you? It is your oven, or your car. Auto manufacturers insist on taking away our ability to drive. You cannot go more than a mile without the â€Å"helpful†beeping of that collision prevention sensor from hell assaulting your ears. Believe me I know. The backup sensor in my family’s Ford Excursion beeps about 20 times a second if you are closer than 5 feet to some object, which happens in every parking lot, and yes it is as annoying as it sounds. Literally. It is time to take back control. The car thinks it knows better than we know, but as long as we sit in that driver’s seat, we will be the boss. Manuals are being phased out in favor of the automatic. Car salesmen everywhere say it is better this way, that automatics conserve power and efficiency without damaging the driving experience. They would be misinformed. Manuals offer more power, efficiency, and fun while maintaining safety. The battle for the driver rages on, and saving the manual is the key to winning it. Because, to quote Car and Dr iver’s Eddie Alterman, â€Å"Little boys asking their fathers, ‘Daddy what’s the third pedal for?’ makes baby Jesus cry.â€
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Chemistry SC Essays
Chemistry SC Essays Chemistry SC Essay Chemistry SC Essay Questions 19. Based on the observations provided in the kitchen lab, Developing an Activity Series, the order of the four metals from most reactive to least reactive is: zinc, iron, nickel, copper. Zinc is the most reactive. The reaction occurred quickly Small bubbles (hydrogen) appeared straight away. As the reaction continued, larger bubbles (more hydrogen) appeared. At the end of the experiment, the nail was completely rusted. Hydrogen displaced the zinc. Iron had no visible reaction after 1 hour, so there wasnt as an immediate off reaction as with the zinc. The reaction then escalated after four hours, and after a 1 day period, hydrogen displaced the iron and left the nail rusted. The reaction of the nickel was even slower than that of the iron; there was no immediate reaction and no visible change until after a one day period, when it appeared darker and slightly tarnished (not as violently corroded as the zinc and iron). The penny shows no reaction because it is below hydrogen in the activity series. Hydrogen does not displace copper. Chemistry SCHUSS-B, Unit 2, Lesson 7: Key Questions a. Word equation for the burning of carbon: carbon+ oxygen 0 carbon monoxide Balanced chemical equation for the burning of carbon: C(s) + 02(g) 0 CO(g) Word equation for the burning of sulfur: sulfur + oxygen 0 sulfur dioxide Balanced chemical equation for the burning of sulfur: S(s) + 02(g) 0 SIS(g) b. SIS is a byproduct of the burning of coal. It is a very acidic oxide, producing sulfurous and eventually sulfuric acid when mixed with water, contributing to acid rain. In areas where there is a large amount of SIS present, the rain pH can be as low as 3. 5 whereas natural rain is about 5. 6. This is 100 times more acidic. C. This harmful effect is noted by: Sulfur dioxide + water + sulfurous acid 0 sulfuric acid SIS + H2O 0 HASPS HASPS Chemistry SCHUSS-B, Unit 2, Lesson 8: Key Questions 25. It is important to ensure that your furnace is tuned up and in proper working order prior to winter because of CO emissions that could be potentially dangerous leading to carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is fatal to humans. As windows are generally kept closed in winter months, the excess CO gas could be lethal as the CO would have no way of dissipating. 26. I support the President of the United States in his boycott of Alberta dirty oil. In addition to the excess greenhouse gases created in separating the oil from the sand, extraction of the tar sands oil and upgrading it to fuel grade for car engines required enormous amounts of energy and water and destroys miles of forest. 1) To extract each barrel of oil from a surface mine, the industry must first cut down the forest, then remove an average of two tons of peat and dirt that lie above the oil sands layer, then two tons of sand itself. (2) The water that is used in water shortage to consider. The water used in the mining and refining of this oil moms from the Databases River, which mostly is derived from the Databases Glacier, which is retreating rapidly. This wat er shortage would be detrimental to the Alberta populous.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Rutherford B. Hayes Biography - 19th President of the US
Rutherford B. Hayes Biography - 19th President of the US  Rutherford B. Hayess Childhood and Education: Hayes was born into a family that had a long history of military service. Both his grandparents fought in the American Revolution. Born on October 4, 1822 in Delaware, Ohio eleven weeks after his fathers death, Hayes was raised by his mother. He attended a Methodist school and a college preparatory academy before attending Kenyon College. He graduated first in his class. He then studied law before entering Harvard Law School. He graduated in 1845 and was admitted to the bar. Family Ties: Hayes was born to Rutherford Hayes, a merchant and farmer, and Sophia Birchard Hayes. He had one sister named Fanny A. Platt. On December 30, 1852, Hayes married Lucy Ware Webb. She would later be dubbed Lemonade Lucy for her banning of alcohol at the White House. Together, they had four sons and one daughter. Rutherford B. Hayess Career Before the Presidency: In 1845, Hayes began practicing law in Ohio. From 1858-61, he served as the Cincinnati City Solicitor. Hayes served in the Civil War, rising to the rank of major general of volunteers. He showed valor on the battlefield having been wounded several times. He resigned soon after Lee surrendered in 1865. Hayes was quickly elected as a U.S. Representative serving from 1865-67. In 1868, Hayes became the Governor of Ohio. He served from 1868-1872 and again from 1876-77 when he became President. Becoming the President: In 1876, Republicans chose Hayes to run for president. He was opposed by Democrat Samuel J. Tilden who won the popular vote. However, the vote in three Republican-controlled states was in confusion. Tilden only needed one electoral vote to win while Hayes needed every vote from all three. When doing the recount, many Democratic ballots were ruled invalid in Florida and Louisiana. A investigative commission voted 8-7 along party lines to give all the electoral votes to Hayes allowing him to win. Events and Accomplishments of Rutherford B. Hayes’s Presidency: Hayes began his administration with the Compromise of 1877 by which military occupation of the South ended. This helped satisfy Southerners who were upset over the results of the election. Currency and whether silver should be bought and turned into coins or whether instead greenbacks should be redeemable in gold was in contention. The Bland-Allison Act passed in 1878 over Hayes veto required the government to buy silver in order to create more coins. The idea was that increased availability of money would help farmers and debtors. In 1879, the Resuption of Specie Act passed that backed greenbacks created after January 1, 1879 to be redeemable in gold. In 1880, Hayes had his Secretary of State create a pact with China which restricted Chinese immigration due to an anti-Chinese movement out west. This was a compromise because Hayes had vetoed a bill which didnt allow Chinese to immigrate at all. Post-Presidential Period: Hayes never planned to run for a second term in office and retired in 1881. He spent the rest of his life devoted to causes of importance to him such as providing scholarships to African Americans and encouraging temperance. He was also one of the trustees of Ohio State University. He died on January 17, 1893 of a heart attack. Historical Significance: President Hayes had strongly held views which he pushed forward throughout his administration. He believed in and proposed civil service reform measures. Further, he set down a policy that a canal in Central America could only be under American control as the French were attempting to create one during his administration. This would eventually lead to the development of the Panama Canal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
HIV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
HIV - Essay Example This results in the further marginalization of these groups as a result of the stigma that is associated with people who are affected by this disease. They are thus, doubly oppressed as they have to face oppression as a result of their class and their medical condition. In some cases, the situation is complicated by issues of ethnicity. This paper shall look at such details as they are found in Unity Dow’s novel Far and Beyond and Beauty’s Gift by Sindiwe Magona. The paper shall look at how the issues of race and class influence and inform the analyses that these two writers make of the problem of HIV/AIDS. The sensitivity with which the issues of how the two problems interact, is handled, shall be looked at in the paper. The paper shall also look at the complex nature of this interaction. Unity Dow’s novel, Far and Beyond, looks at the condition of women in Botswana. It is the condition of such women who are indoctrinated into believing that they are inferior to men that the novel analyses. This position is complicated by the fact that the women of this community often have to fight against diseases and medical conditions on their own as well. The novel delves deep into the family of Mara where she and her children are faced with the burden of dealing with social marginalization and the problems that are a part of living with AIDS. What the novelist hints at is the fact that in such a society, it is difficult to deal with issues such as medical care when the main preoccupation of the people who are victims is to fight off poverty. In such situations, one also needs to analyse the fact of whether such conditions of poverty are not engendered by a lack of opportunities that are a chronic problem in countries such as Botswana. Such conditions of underdevelopment also lead to problems within the legal and social frameworks for
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Fisher & Paykel Market Audit and Competitive Analysis Essay
Fisher & Paykel Market Audit and Competitive Analysis - Essay Example It is evident from the study that Australia has experienced a high demand for white goods product and it would be feasible for Fisher & Paykel to commence business where the demand for its product is high. Fisher & Paykel a well known manufacturing company of white goods would supply two main products in Australia the washing machine and dishwasher which was lately introduced by the company. Since the demand is high the competition is stiff and thus Fisher & Paykel decided to promote is product through television pint media and by giving offers with the purchase of its products. As concerned with the pricing strategy the company would follow competitive based pricing. The company has planned a corporate and strategic plan to reinforce actions and implement it for which it has set up a long term vision 2020. Fisher & Paykel would use the Data quality Objective to measure its environmental performance and track a record of the actions that needs to be done. Along with it the company wo uld develop team membership to perform effectively. The company core interest is towards environment sustainability and thus focuses primarily on the behavioural audit of the management and tries to find out the practise that Fisher & Paykel has been performing with regards to the safety of the environment. The company would develop proactive as well as reactive strategy in terms of environment sustainability which would report to the management on quarterly basis and finally the report aims to provide recommendation to the company in terms of environment sustainability. ... ns communicated to various stakeholders 17 Identify the various stakeholders’ sentiments about the environment 18 Product 18 Packaging 19 CEO’s (or the key senior decision maker’s) attitude toward the environment 20 CEO’s (or the key senior decision maker’s) education and background 20 CEO’s (or the key senior decision maker’s) participation 21 Office (admin) efficiency 21 Analysis of the nature and types of environmental safety actions being undertaken 22 Reporting 23 Recommendations 24 Reference 26 Introduction Introduction of the company Fisher & Paykel Appliances manufactures designs and markets innovative household appliances which are developed to provide technology, user friendly, design and environmental awareness. Fisher & Paykel is one of the biggest manufacturing company producing household appliances. Its wholly owned subsidiary includes production machinery limited which builds on production equipment; Dynamic cooking syst ems Inc which is based in US which manufactures both indoor and outdoor cooking products; Fishers and Paykel Italy which manufactures European cooking products. The company manufacturing sites is located in New Zealand, Italy, Thailand and Mexico (Fisher & Paykel, n.d). History Fisher & Paykel was founded in Auckland, New Zealand in 1934 by Wool Fisher and his friend Maurice Paykel to import refrigerators, washing machines and mantle radios. In the year 1938, import and restriction on foreign exchange lead the company to consider manufacturing. A year later the company started to manufacture refrigerators and washing machines. The company expanded its business and moved to larger premises and by 1949 the company started to produce 600 washing machines, 700 vacuum cleaners and 500 refrigerators. In 1956, Fisher & Paykel
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Derivative Markets Essay Example for Free
Derivative Markets Essay Last dozen of years are characterized by rash growth of volumes of national and international markets of derivative finance instruments or derivative markets. By opinion of experts, appearance and development of derivative markets is the most important event of economic life within last twenty five years. In the very name of these instruments – â€Å"derives†lays the fact that they appeared and started to develop on basis of floaters and futures almost for all types of exchange products (starting with oil and gas and ending with soy beans and orange juice), and also for exchange index, percent rates, rate of exchange, etc. Presently new types of derivates appeared: on the basis of sea freight rates (London), cost of microprocessors, permissions for environment pollution (USA), etc. To the first generation of derivates specialists relate futures and stock option plans, which are used at organized markets (exchanges) in form of standardized contracts, and also popular at non-exchange market (market OTC – over-the-counter) (William Falloon pp. 26-28) currency swaps, stock option plans and inter-bank agreements regarding forward rate agreement. From the very beginning the main functions of derivates was to provide distribution of risks among participants of business deal, connected with change of stuff price, rates of exchange, percent rates, stock rates, exchange indexes, etc. Nowadays operations with derivates are still the main way of insurance from different risks and risk management. The first signs at derivative markets became successful issue of currency futures in 1972 at Chicago Mercantile Exchange; the second issue of percentage futures followed in 1975 at Chicago Board of Trade. In the first half of 1980-s rapid growth (Remolona, Eli, M., pp. 28-43) of operations with derivates, followed with appearance of more and more new types of derivates. In 1980 appeared New York Futures Exchange; in 1982 London international Financial Futures and Options; in 1986 – MATIF Marche a terme international de France in Paris; in 1988 Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchanges, etc. At these and other organized (exchange) markets trade is fulfilled by standard (typical) contracts, which are sold or at exchange auctions (MATIF in France), or with help of automatized information systems (for example, Globex). Final calculations for all deals are made by computational (compensational) palates (George Benston and Shehzad Mian pp. 217-246) The first â€Å"legal†operation of currency swap (exchange of dollar to Swiss francs) was made in August 1981 between American company IBM and International Bank of Reconstruction and Development. Market of percentage swaps appeared in the United States by initiative of company â€Å"Sallie Mae†. The major part of swap operations was executed by leading international banks, which in the beginning were present as mediators between participants of currency swaps. In succeeding years banks became to work as active participants of derivative deals, acting at their own cost and in their own interests.  When in the first half of 1980-s derivative market was developing mainly in the United States, in the second half derivative market started to develop quickly in Europe and Japan. Volume of world market of swap operations increased from 200 milliard dollars in 1985 to 2900 milliard dollars in 1990. Such quick growth was stipulated with legal standardization of contracts, development of information systems and means of communications. According to data of questionnaire which was executed by International Swaps and Derivatives Associations, volume of world derivative market for the beginning of 1993 was 5.4 trillion dollars, including percentage swaps – 3.9 trillion dollars, currency swaps – 860 milliard dollars, cap and floor operations – 577 milliard dollars. By approximate estimation of magazine Swap Monitor, volume of derivative markets was much higher – 7 trillion dollars (at the same date of 1993). In the United States only 6 banks control 90% of derivative markets. In France 80 banks act at the market of currency contracts; at option market – 24 banks. Volume of operations with derivates at exchange and non-exchange markets, which make French credit institutions and which are shown at their balance, in 2.2 times exceeds amount of their balances. By information of International Calculations Bank, already in 1991 volume of OTC market was 4500 milliard dollars. From that time its volume significantly increased. Quick growth of derivative market volume in the beginning of 1990-s is connected with increasing of instability and uncertainty at world financial markets, also influenced by such events as was at Persian Gulf, collapse of USSR, crisis of European system of currency, etc. besides, progress in the field of informational technology, which allowed to process big volumes of information almost immediately and great funds, involved in financial turnover, give grounds to speak about existence of real industry of derivates. As we already spoke about, quick growth of derivative market was accompanied by appearance of new and new their types and kinds; this process developed and continues to develop in legal and non-official market. Financial instruments, which represent different combinations of derivates of the first generation, quickly were added to the first derivate generation (for example, combination of percentage options â€Å"cap/floor†, swaptions – combination of swap and option. In the beginning of 1990-s appeared such exotic instruments as swaps for non-typical indexes, annulated swaps, options for options, etc. One of novelties for Parisian exchange was issue of bons doption, which gives right to the buyer for purchase of actions or debentures by fixed price. During the last four years number of diversities of such warranties increased from 15 to 500, they are in easy access to any investor, even those who doesn’t have big amount of money. Appearance of new types and kinds of derivates is stipulated not only by increasing demands of clients in more perfect means of insurance from risks (Ludger Hentschel and Clifford Smith Jr., pp. 101-126), but also by constant perfection of informational technology and equipment, mechanisms of price formation and models of risk management. At the same time legal standards of regulating operations with derivates were developed and perfected; new forms of standard contracts appeared. Operations with derivates started to be used more frequently not only for insurance from risks and risk management, but for aims of speculation, i.e. receiving profit from them. By opinion of experts, nowadays the following subjects take place at the derivative markets: Industrial companies, which can use operations with derivates to reach such aims as: Decreasing of indebtedness burden at the expense of getting necessary financial means by possible cheap price; Increasing of flexibility in management of financial holdings, not limited by usage of debentures or short-term commercial documents; Perfection of management cash balance and regulation of financial flow, connected with cash inflow and cash spending; Fast receiving of necessary funds by relatively low prices in case unexpected needs in financing take place; Perfection and dynamics of process management by liquid assets of enterprise. Although enterprises, which use all enumerated possibilities of operations with derivates, are quite rare, from now on these operations cannot be ignored by those enterprises, who intend to lead dynamic strategy of management by thief financial resources. Different investment funds, which control investment portfolio, use operations with derivates as flexible means of funds management. Special companies or funds (so-called stockjobbers), which make derivative operations to receive profit, because those operations allow even with small expenses to get big profit, indeed, in condition of favorable circumstances for such stockjobber. In such a way American fund Quantum Fund, which belongs to famous financier George Sores, and which is specialized on currency deals, including derivates as well, since 1969 every year increased its income for 35%; today it exceeds 4 milliard dollars. Totally in the United States there are more than 3 thousand of such funds, which manage approximately by 25 milliard dollars, which are used only for speculative operations. There are 23 similar funds, which are legally registered in France. Individual stockbrokers, which make operations with derivates at their own expense. Activity of those subjects, which in the USA are called â€Å"local†and in France â€Å"negociateurs independants de parquet†, assists in increasing of liquidity financial market. Special companies-organizers of the market, including compensational palates, which control execution of contracts and execute calculations, receiving definite commissions. In such a way in France company MATIF received for each operation of purchase or sale of pressing contract 6.25 francs, what allowed to increase own funds to 800 million francs. In 1993 MATIF worked up 72 million of contracts, whereas at Chicago Mercantile Exchange were sold 179 million of contracts. Banks, working in legal and non-official market, receive the biggest income from derivative operations. Supervision instances controlling bank activities (for example, there is Bank Commission in France) are anxious because of uncontrolled growth of bank derivative operations. Operations with different kinds of options, especially related to such indexes, which change quickly, as shares indexes, prices for non-ferrous metals, raw materials, etc. give the biggest concern. Supervision instances don’t limit usage of derivative operations in order to insure credit and market risks (Sanjiv Ranjan Das pp. 7-23), but at the same time they establish rule of paying capacity, in accordance with which amount of own derivate funds of certain credit enterprise should cover credit (risk of unredeemed credit) and market risks. Other aspects of regulation non-organized markets are not developed enough. In all leading Western countries development of those measures is behind the tempo of growth of OTC market capacity, where calculation (compensational) palates are absent and business deals have long-term character. For organized derivative markets the main problems still are guaranteeing security and control. Compensational palates watch timeliness of final calculations and amount of deposits of their members, which operate at derivative market. These deposits guarantee that they will fulfill their obligations: in case amount of deposit is lower than definite level, it should be filled up immediately. In such a way, at MATIF’s accounts are 20 milliard francs, paid-in by its members as guarantee of calculations. Financiers work to standardize contracts for derivative deals in the international level. In such a way, created in 1985 International Swap and Derivatives Association worked out frame contract for derivative operations, consisting of two parts: in the first part there are obligatory common statements (ways of calculations and their regulation, declarations of the parties, procedures of canceling the contract, etc), and in the second part there are statements, which can be changed by wish of the parties. In June 1993 report of 30 leading specialists for financial operations was published, where they formulated recommendations to banks and other enterprises, which lead operations with derivates or are their final users. By opinion of experts, these enterprises should give acces to that market only for professionals. Many experts point at explosive character of derivative market, because there can appear chain reaction of bankruptcy (domino effect). Non-exchange market is more dangerous in this respect, where the business deals are often concluded â€Å"for the word of honor†. Unexpected collapse of one of the banks can cause chain reaction of bankruptcies of other banks. By words of A. Taylor, president of Royal Bank of Canada, derivates represent bomb of delayed-action, which, once exploded, can completely ruin world financial system. Although derivative deals have a lot of risk and can provoke the crisis, you cannot live without them in the modern financial markets, because they assist in increasing of liquidity and effectiveness of financial markets, decreasing of cost for market transactions (deals). As was written in French magazine â€Å"Expansion†, future experts, probably, will examine derivates as financial novelty, which saved world economical growth from paralysis. Works Cited: George Benston and Shehzad Mian, 1995 Financial Reporting of Derivatives: An Analysis of the Issues, Evaluation of Proposals, and a Suggested Solution, Journal of Financial Engineering, September, pp. 217-246. Sanjiv Ranjan Das, 1995 Credit Risk Derivatives, Journal of Derivatives, Spring, pp. 7-23. William Falloon, 1992 How Appetites are Growing for OTC Equity Derivatives, Futures Magazine, January, pp. 26-28. Ludger Hentschel and Clifford Smith Jr., 1995 Controlling Risks in Derivatives Markets, Journal of Financial Engineering, June, pp. 101-126 Remolona, Eli, M., 1992-3 The Recent Growth of Financial Derivative Markets, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Quarterly Review, Winter, pp. 28-43.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Video Game Violence Essay -- Legal Issues, Violent Video Games
â€Å"Video Game Violence Does Not Cause Violent Tendencies†An In-Depth Look at Video Game Violence and its Positives Effects â€Å"On Tuesday, November 2, while the rest of the country was voting, the Supreme Court of the United States heard oral arguments in Schwarzenegger v. EMA, the landmark case in which the state of California is petitioning for the re-instatement of a California law banning the sale of deviant or morbid violent video games to minors†(Macris). This case is a current example of the opponents of video games trying to prove video games are a bad influence on children and teenagers. Violent video game opponents have always tried to disprove the positive effects of video games. They also have been known to make up and mislead with tales of terrible side effects. This essay will prove to the reader that many of these various statements against video games and their creators are false. Contrary to opposition arguments, video games actually present benefits to gamers by reducing stress, providing entertainment, and helping to develop motivation that could not otherwise be achieved through conventional means. This essay will attempt to prove, that statements made regarding the inappropriateness of video games are untrue. The advantage of playing video games can be proven in their ability to enhance learning, hand-eye coordination, and this in turn can enable children and teenagers to do better in school. Violent video games can help overcome anxiety by providing entertainment without leaving the house, taking everyday stresses out on the characters in the game instead of real life, takes the adolescent’s minds off worries and stress of the outside world, and encourages children to stay out of trouble. Video games c... ... methodologies and the intrusion of ideology and scientific dogma†(Ferguson 11). Violent Video Games do not cause increased violent tendencies in youth and adolescents due to the fact violent video games have been around for years and in those years violence caused by teens have actually been dropping rather than increasing. Also, violent video games have been shown through research that the negatives are highly outweighed by the positives. Also, with the introduction of interactive gaming there are a new range of possibilities for violent video games. Such as sending a message to children about healthy activities by getting them off of the couch. So hopefully in five years violent video games will have moved to full interactive gaming so that it looks more real-life, but more importantly that it will still be a form of media that helps to relive personal stress. Video Game Violence Essay -- Legal Issues, Violent Video Games â€Å"Video Game Violence Does Not Cause Violent Tendencies†An In-Depth Look at Video Game Violence and its Positives Effects â€Å"On Tuesday, November 2, while the rest of the country was voting, the Supreme Court of the United States heard oral arguments in Schwarzenegger v. EMA, the landmark case in which the state of California is petitioning for the re-instatement of a California law banning the sale of deviant or morbid violent video games to minors†(Macris). This case is a current example of the opponents of video games trying to prove video games are a bad influence on children and teenagers. Violent video game opponents have always tried to disprove the positive effects of video games. They also have been known to make up and mislead with tales of terrible side effects. This essay will prove to the reader that many of these various statements against video games and their creators are false. Contrary to opposition arguments, video games actually present benefits to gamers by reducing stress, providing entertainment, and helping to develop motivation that could not otherwise be achieved through conventional means. This essay will attempt to prove, that statements made regarding the inappropriateness of video games are untrue. The advantage of playing video games can be proven in their ability to enhance learning, hand-eye coordination, and this in turn can enable children and teenagers to do better in school. Violent video games can help overcome anxiety by providing entertainment without leaving the house, taking everyday stresses out on the characters in the game instead of real life, takes the adolescent’s minds off worries and stress of the outside world, and encourages children to stay out of trouble. Video games c... ... methodologies and the intrusion of ideology and scientific dogma†(Ferguson 11). Violent Video Games do not cause increased violent tendencies in youth and adolescents due to the fact violent video games have been around for years and in those years violence caused by teens have actually been dropping rather than increasing. Also, violent video games have been shown through research that the negatives are highly outweighed by the positives. Also, with the introduction of interactive gaming there are a new range of possibilities for violent video games. Such as sending a message to children about healthy activities by getting them off of the couch. So hopefully in five years violent video games will have moved to full interactive gaming so that it looks more real-life, but more importantly that it will still be a form of media that helps to relive personal stress.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Building Refurbishment and maintenance
A sustainable building is a building which is in its construction performs in an environmentally sound way, essentially in terms of energy and water efficiency and waste/pollution management. These key factors are the core of buildings sustainability after its maintenance. They also result in minimal environmental pollution hence no environmental risk Optimizing energy use:- With concerns for energy security increasing, it’s vital to consider the impact of greenhouse gases on world climate rising, therefore essential to find of reducing load, increase efficiency and utilize renewable energy resources.Considering the refurbished building both the restaurant and the bar. Backup power energy should be put into consideration, they include solar source, battery backup for the pool/snooker floor and both restaurant and bar. Energy usage should be shared according to the need of each floors need. Cabling of both the data and power cables should be done by professionals to avoid any f uture power problem including disaster in then building. Protect and conserve water:- In many parts of the country, fresh water is an increasingly scarce resource.A sustainable building should reduce control, or treat site-runoff, use water efficiently, and reuse or recycle water for on-site use when feasible. In the building the distribution of the water resource should also be based in each floors needs. Determining water consumption during the developing of a strategy for retaining water for re-use (commonly the water is re-used is toilet flushing, cooling towers or irrigation) (Taylor, 2006). The main bar and restaurant are a priority compared to the upper snooker and pool floor.It’s also vital to create a reservoir for the buildings water on top of the snooker/pool floor. This will enhance sustainability of then building in terms of water resource. Use of environmentally preferable products:- This sustainable building should be constructed of materials that will minimize life-cycle environmental impacts or hazard such as global warming, resource depletion, and human toxicity. The Executive order 13423 defines these environmentally preferable materials.They are products or services that have a minimal or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing products or services serving similar purpose. Thus, they contribute to improved worker safety and also health, reduced liabilities, reduced disposal costs, hence enhancing the buildings sustainability. Enhance indoor environmental quality:- The indoor environmental quality of the building has a significant impact on occupant health, comfort, and productivity.Therefore this intended sustainable building should maximize day lighting with appropriate ventilation and moisture control, no use of materials with high-Volatile Organic Compounds emissions. Additional consideration must be given to ventilation and filtration to mitigate chemical, biological, and radiological attac k in the general building. The building should also consider remedies to smokers in the bar and snooker /pool apartment and be able to ensure that no-smokers in and out of the building are not affected. This can be easily enhanced by creating a special room to cater for such customers.This room should be sealed and properly ventilated to avoid any air toxic pollution to the environment. The building should also meet requirements of environmental legislation, protect and enhance natural environment and protect human health and well being. Optimize operational and maintenance practices:- It’s also vital to incorporate operating and maintenance considerations into the refurbishing of this facility this will greatly contribute to improved working environments, higher productivity and reduced energy and resource costs.Designers should be encouraged to specify materials and systems that simplify or reduce maintenance requirements, such should require less water, energy, and toxic c hemicals and cleaners to maintain; and are cost-effective and reduce life-cycle costs hence enhancing sustainability if the building in general. In general ensuring the specification refurbished and maintained building takes account of economic, social and environmental issues and should set targets for key performance indicators, such as energy, water use and waste production minimized. .Reflective question My personal reflection of then research on adopting and maintaining a building such as this story building is varied in my view and understanding. They consecutively include:- Important issues:-It’s vital and important to consider energy, water, and environmental impacts of the building during refurbishment and maintenance. Energy enhances and ensures the buildings sustainability by providing necessary energy requirement for both the restaurant and the bar. A good measure for backup of energy also ensures the buildings sustainability.Water is a major consideration in any premise that is to be sustained for a long time. Ensuring that correct measures and precautions are taken to conserve this precious commodity will lead to the buildings sustainability. Environmental precautions from all harmful products are also a necessity to consider not only to sustain the building but also to ensure the safety of the people in the premise. Meaningful issues: – It was meaningful to establish a collaborate design model that enhances the buildings sustainability. I found out the benefits of documenting a maintenance policy becausecomprehensive maintenance policy will: facilitate compliance with relevant government policies and statutory requirements hence ensuring the buildings sustainability. Facilitate consistency in department of bar, restaurant and snooker/pool rooms, maintenance also promote effective maintenance and management practices among departmental asset and facility managers support the conduct of maintenance activities by service providers. Th e determination of condition standard ratings for building assets as per MMF policy requirement 2 is fundamental to the maintenance management process.The standards provide a clear statement of the level to which assets in the building must be maintained to meet service delivery needs. Condition standards: are the departmental maintenance strategies and plans Building Maintenance Policy, Strategy Development Maintenance Management Framework Guideline 5 element groups ( like superstructure, finishes, services) elements (like roof, external walls, floor finishes, lighting, air conditioning) sub-elements (like brick walls, distribution boards, ductwork, controls).are benchmarks against which building condition assessment results is evaluated (thus identifying the extent of any gap between desired and actual building condition) facilitate the analysis of actual condition over time (such as detection, monitoring and forward-projection of trends in building condition) hence, during the co ndition assessment process, maintenance service providers focus only on work required to bring up an asset to the specified condition (rather than unnecessarily identify work that may exceed departmental requirements).Determination of condition standards is more effective when undertaken by departmental teams involving: facility managers; asset user representative’s business managers; portfolio asset managers; and maintenance service providers. Good issues:- I also noted that assessing all possible uses of existing buildings, recycling buildings and spaces for reuse in the shortest practicable time, saves as much as possible of the existing infrastructure. Keeping records of what is there at the moment is important, prior to any demolition process.Decisive issues: – I also noted that the condition of a building refurbishing asset such as a building’s physical state of repair influences its physical and also functional performance. Its vital for a building to ass ign standard such: Condition standard rating, departmental maintenance, as before assigning a condition standard rating to a building asset, departments should carefully consider what they require of that asset (bar and Restaurant and the snooker/pool rooms). The ratings should begin with a review of department’s service delivery plan.This review determines: The criticality to service delivery, and the required function for each of the three building portfolio. (1) Assigning condition standard ratings (2) preparing a departmental maintenance strategy (3) developing a Strategic Maintenance Plan. Uncomfortable issues: – It was also worth and uncomfortable to note that finishes of building elements such as walls and coatings of certain equipment inside buildings can release toxic contaminants into air, causing air pollution especially indoors. Another problem of building use is the generation of solid waste and wastewater in this time of fewer water supplies.Conclusions T o conclude the refurbishing and maintenance of the three story building with a bar, restaurant and snooker/pool. It has been vehemently established that in refurbishing a building like this, to enhance its sustainability, one should consider the three main factors that include energy, water and environmental concerns of both the inhabitants and the neighbours, but also not neglecting other factors that lead to its sustainability that have been discussed above. Re-evaluation of the energy and water performance of each building that has been completed has to be implemented (Adelaide City Council, 2007).Therefore considering all this one will be able to refurbish, maintain and sustain a building. Sources Managing Your Environmental Responsibilities. ( 2005). A Planning Guide for Construction Development by U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Taylor, B. (2006. June), The ten key principles of green fire, White Paper, Melbourne: Adelaide City Council (2007), Environment projects, Acces sed from http://www. adelaidecitycouncil. com/scripts/nc. dll? ADCC:STANDARD::pc=PC_175 The State University of New York (2004). UB High Performance Building Guidelines by the University at Buffalo, the State University of New York
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